Oneonta Gorge
This is a mini-gorge within a GORGE. Oneonta Creek and it's gorge are located just east of Multnomah Falls and before you get to Horsetail Falls. The creek has successfully sliced a vertical, narrow slot through the solid basalt that weaves south about 1/3 of a mile before dead-ending in a, what else, waterfall. From the road it doesn't look like much. Do yourself a favor and take the hike. One must carefully climb over a large logjam at the opening, but from there back you are in a sublime slot-canyon 20 feet wide and a hundred feet deep with vertical basalt walls weaving back to the end. Wear a bathing suit and old shoes since one must wade the creek in several spots. And by all means swim in the pool under the waterfall. My 15 year old daughter visited it for the first time last summer and now refers to it as "Magic Canyon". It is not Antelope Canyon in Arizona, but it IS close.